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Click here for expired notices »Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting
Tuesday, February 18th, 20252050 MTP Public Meeting
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Agenda Forthcoming
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) Meeting
Monday, February 24th, 20252050 MTP Public Hearing
12:00AM CST
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Agenda Forthcoming
Administrative Modifications & Resolutions
FY2024-25 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Administrative Modification #2024-25-01, Record of Change #2
FY2024-25 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) funding approved by the Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) in Resolution 2023-24-05 has been redistributed among tasks.
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Administrative Modification No. 24
Administrative Modification to the Lake Charles MPO 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for inclusion request in the State Transportation Improvement Program.
Resolution No. 2024-25-01
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) to approve and adopt Amendment No. 1 to the Lake Charles MPO 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
Resolution No. 2024-25-02
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) to approve and re-adopt the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
Resolution No. 2024-25-03
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) to approve and adopt the Lake Charles MPO 2024-2025 Title VI Plan.
Resolution No. 2024-25-04
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) to approve and adopt the revised, edited and updated Lake Charles MPO Public Participation Plan.
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Administrative Modification
Approval of Administration Modification (Aggregate No. 27) to the Lake Charles MPO 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Administration Modification
Approval of Administration Modification (Aggregrate Number 21) to the Lake Charles MPO 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Resolution No. 2023-24-11
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) to approve and adopt Amendment No. 11 (Aggregrate Record Number 19) to the Lake Charles MPO 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Administration Modification
Approval of Administration Modification (Aggregrate Number 20) to the Lake Charles MPO 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Resolution No. 2023-24-05
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) to approve and adopt Amendment No. 1 to the Lake Charles MPO 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
Resolution No. 2023-24-13
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) to approve and adopt Amendment No. 2 to the Lake Charles MPO 2023-2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
Resolution No. 2023-24-10
Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) to approve, authorize, plan, prepare and implement an intergovernmental agreement for the proposed MPO Lake Charles Urban Area Transportation Management Center.
Option A:
On Site
SEED Center4310 Ryan Street
2nd Floor
Conference Room B/C
Lake Charles, LA 70605
Option B:
Join Zoom Meeting:Click here to Join »
Meeting ID:
SWLARPC (all caps)
Option C:
Phone-In Meeting:1-346-248-7799
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