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Plans & Programs

MTP 2045 - Metropolitan Transportation Plan MTP 2045 - Appendix PPP - Public Participation Plan AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic Bayou Bike & Hike SWLA Trail Network TIP - Transportation Improvement Program TIP - Transportation Improvement Program Archive UPWP - Unified Planning Work Program ALOP - Annual List of Obligated Projects Title VI Plan

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

A Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) includes projects from the Metropolitan Transportation Plan that are expected to advance to construction in the next four years.

A TIP is prepared cooperatively by the regional planning commission, acting in its legal capacity as the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Lake Charles urbanized area, local governments, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, public transit operators, and other key stakeholders, with input from the public.


FY 2023 - 2026

Transportation Improvement Program
for the Lake Charles Urbanized Area

Click here to view the program

The TIP is updated on a four-year update cycle; however, it is reviewed regularly by the regional planning commission. Selected revisions are permitted, following formal amendment procedures. Both the local and state TIPs are identical documents containing a common set of projects proposed for federal funding.

TIPs and STIPs are products of a consensus-building process carried out jointly by the regional planning commission and the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. Projects identified in the TIPs are part of the approved Transportation Plan and refer to improvements being funded under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act).

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