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Plans & Programs

MTP 2045 - Metropolitan Transportation Plan MTP 2045 - Appendix PPP - Public Participation Plan AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic Bayou Bike & Hike SWLA Trail Network TIP - Transportation Improvement Program TIP - Transportation Improvement Program Archive UPWP - Unified Planning Work Program ALOP - Annual List of Obligated Projects Title VI Plan

Public Participation Plan (PPP)

In response to the passage of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), the Lake Charles Urbanized Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (LCMPO) updated its Public Involvement Plan to read as the Public Participation Plan (PPP) to reflect current and future public involvement efforts of the MPO.

Major revisions to the LCMPO Public Participation Plan will include a 45-day public review period and a public comment hearing be held before any revisions are adopted. This policy is intended to ensure that public participation is an integral and effective part of the MPO activities and decisions are made with the benefit and consideration of important public perspectives.

Click here for the PPP »

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