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MTP 2050 - Metropolitan Transportation Plan MTP 2050 - Appendix MTP 2045 - Metropolitan Transportation Plan MTP 2045 - Appendix PPP - Public Participation Plan CHSTP - Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic Bayou Bike & Hike SWLA Trail Network TIP - Transportation Improvement Program TIP - Transportation Improvement Program Archive UPWP - Unified Planning Work Program ALOP - Annual List of Obligated Projects Title VI Plan


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Plans & Programs

MTP 2050 - Metropolitan Transportation Plan MTP 2050 - Appendix MTP 2045 - Metropolitan Transportation Plan MTP 2045 - Appendix PPP - Public Participation Plan CHSTP - Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan AADT - Annual Average Daily Traffic Bayou Bike & Hike SWLA Trail Network TIP - Transportation Improvement Program TIP - Transportation Improvement Program Archive UPWP - Unified Planning Work Program ALOP - Annual List of Obligated Projects Title VI Plan

2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

In metropolitan areas, the transportation plan is the statement of the ways the region plans to invest in the transportation system. Per federal regulations, the plan shall "include both long range and short-range program strategies and actions that lead to the development of an integrated, intermodal transportation system that facilitates the efficient movement of people and goods."

Review the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan

Click here for the 2050 MTP Appendix

The MTP addresses:

The Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the long-range statewide transportation plan must be consistent with each other. The MTP must be updated every five years in air quality attainment areas or every four years in non-attainment or maintenance areas. MPOs should make special efforts to engage interested parties in the development of the plan. Finally, in cases where a metropolitan area is designated as a non-attainment or maintenance area, the plan must conform to the State Improvement Plan for air quality.

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